Benefits of Reflexology

Robaina Clinical Reflexology

dr joe robaina of reflexology miamiThe focus of RCR is the relationship between the cranio-reflex system and its influence on the central nervous system and brain function. This relationship affects every aspect of human function from regulating hormones, controlling movement, and providing the ability to hear, see, think, and breathe.

Robaina Clinical Reflexology (RCR) is an integrative, non-invasive form of manual therapy developed by Dr. Joe Robaina, a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy, Exercise Physiologist, and Licensed Massage Therapist. It identifies and corrects structural and biomechanical patterns in the body that cause chronic pain and dysfunction that helps restore body balance and perfect health.

Chronic pain is traditionally treated in a way that does not address the underlying soft tissue causes of pain. When performed in isolation, Physical Therapy, and medicinal pain management fail to address the entire health issue. By using careful analysis of postural, reflex, cranio-sacral and movement patterns, we create a comprehensive therapy program. RCR fully addresses the three stages of recovery and rehabilitation:

  • Quiet Pain,
  • Correct the Imbalance,
  • Strengthen the Tissue.

Reflexology Can Treat Multiple Health Issues

Because it combines a variety of disciplines, RCR is effective for treating a large variety of pain conditions. Additionally, RCR can help athletes and musicians keep their bodies strong, properly aligned, and functioning at their peak performance every day. Here are just a few of the many conditions and purposes for RCR Pain Treatment.

  • Female Health including painful menstruation, pain from endometriosis, ovarian cyst pain
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Insomnia
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Cholic
  • Disc Herniations
  • Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
  • Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
  • Hip Pain
  • Leg Length Inequality
  • Low Back Pain
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scapular Winging
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • TMJ Dysfunction
  • Whiplash

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Dr. Joe Robaina

PS: If you’re currently in pain you should read this page about how Robiana Clinical Reflexology for Pain Relief


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Clinical Reflexology Works

Company : Miami Reflexology
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Finally a Normal Cycle

When I went in for treatment, it had been 5 months since my last period. I’d seen a couple of gynecologists and after several blood tests was placed on medication. Still, no period! I began to take the supplements you told me about after my first treatment session. Two weeks and two sessions later, I was menstruating. It’s been almost 7 months and I haven’t missed a cycle. Reflex work is amazing. I plan to continue treatment on a regular basis. Thank you for providing me with a sense of relief.
You’re the best!
Vanessa Lopez, CFT, LMT- 04/11/06


I am totally impressed and so grateful for Dr, Joe’s expertise and beds side manner. I was in truly encrustation pain. I was suffering from a muscle spasm in my back from an injury due to a fall. I did a total of 4 sessions. In realty after the first one I was 80% percent better. What an amazing effect the treatment did for my body and mind. I sleep better and am more aware of everything. A total reboot of my system. Can’t wait to go again for a tune up. Thank you very much Dr Joe!!

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A Sense of Well Being

“When I came in to see Dr. Robaina my motor coordination was totally off. At that particular time I was just coming out of an extremely stressful situation and not only my motor coordination was off but also mentally. I found that my mind was going one way and my body the other. Through therapy with Dr. Robaina, I have been able to coordinate my mental and physical motor coordination. I have a feeling of well-being which I have not had before. I have uncovered my physical tolerance.”

Elia Perez-Aryan 4/15/06

Author Picture

Reflexology Relieves Migraines and Backpain

In November of 2008, on the way home from dropping my children off, my vehicle was struck from behind by a drunk driver and then t-boned by another vehicle. I lost consciousness and the next thing I knew woke up in hospital where my husband explained what had occurred.
The pain was excruciating. Every inch of my body hurt. But the doctor’s assured me that with time and physical therapy, I’d be good as new. Time passed, I made some improvements, but I never felt 100 percent.
Then a few months had passed, I began to suffer from intense back spasms and debilitating migraines. I visited my primary physician. She in turn sent me to series of specialists. Neurologists, ophthalmologists,endocrinologists,

Sincerely, Rosa Franco-Alfonso    Miami   
Author Picture

Reflexology Relieves Migraines and Backpain

In November of 2008, on the way home from dropping my children off, my vehicle was struck from behind by a drunk driver and then t-boned by another vehicle. I lost consciousness and the next thing I knew woke up in hospital where my husband explained what had occurred.
The pain was excruciating. Every inch of my body hurt. But the doctor’s assured me that with time and physical therapy, I’d be good as new. Time passed, I made some improvements, but I never felt 100 percent.
Then a few months had passed, I began to suffer from intense back spasms and debilitating migraines. I visited my primary physician. She in turn sent me to series of specialists. Neurologists, ophthalmologists,endocrinologists, cardiologists, acupuncturists and chiropractors all gave their respective opinions, tests, and treatment options to alleviate my affliction. All to no avail.
After years of failed attempts I had discovered about Joe’s therapy sessions through a trusted family friend. I was skeptical. I honestly thought this would be yet another failed attempt, but I was desperate to find anything to relieve my pains.
After my first therapy session, the pain had dissipated and my energy level raised. After my second I was able to do physical activities I had abandoned for lost. I have continued treatments and each time I have noticed compounding improvements. For this I am thankful to Joe for returning my life back to my family. I fully recommend him to anyone who is seeking help for their aches and pains. migraine
Thank you Joe.
Sincerely, Rosa Franco-Alfonso

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Reflexology Part of Her Well Being

“After neurologist and medications, numerous neuromuscular massages and acupuncture, only Dr. Joe Robaina could figure out my “trigger point”.

I found great relief after one session with his Reflexology method. I have continued my sessions for the past 6 years…Reflexology is definitely part
of my well-being!

Thank you so much Dr. Joe!”

Author Picture

Relief From Back Pain

“I have 3 herniated discs in the lumbar spine. I have been receiving Dr. Robaina’s reflex therapy for the past two years and have not had an acute flair up since. I HIGHLY recommend him and you should try his new “Release” protocol at least once per week to maintain your health and relieve stress. I love it!”

Teresita Plasencia, R.N. 10/13/10


Go here for more testimonials for Dr. Joe Robaina and Reflexology Miami