We Know Soccer


We Know Sports Massage for Soccer!

We understand Soccer rehab and performance because we’re not only Licensed Therapists certified in Sports Massage, we love and play competitive soccer too!


Dr. Joe Robaina of Robaina Clinical ReflexologySports Massage for Soccer is a specific therapy focused on the areas most used and injured by soccer players.  Sports Massage  flushes out the blood in any areas of pain, replacing it with fresh blood, which helps speed up the healing process. The increased circulation and lymphatic function increases oxygenation and nutrients to the affected tissues allowing it to recover faster.

Our Sports  Massage for soccer also involves stretching the legs, hips, ankles, neck, arms and back.  Stubborn injuries may require  use of  non-invasive  modalities which are very effective in healing deep bruises and traumatic injuries.

Sports  Massage can help soccer players run faster, shoot harder, chip higher and longer, and recover quicker. Soccer is a rough sport with hard contact each game and practice. Sports Massage allows injuries to heal 50% faster than rest alone-especially  for sprains and trauma from getting kicked in  soccer games or practice.

Sports Massage Gives Soccer Players The Edge

Sports Massage treatment is tailored to rehabilitate your trouble areas. We evaluate and assess your  injuries, movement, and range of motion.  To prepare for the big game, it’s best to receive treatment 2-3 days prior. Our unique Sports Treatment will reset your nerve system, so you have greater energy and mental focus. Sports Massage enhances your performance.

Problem Solving for Soccer Players

Do you have a nagging pain or injury that keeps you from playing your best soccer, or playing soccer at all? Come one in! We love solving those hard-to-figure-out soccer pains. Usually, in soccer there are issues with the back and hips from shooting and kicking so much. But, whatever your issue, we will do our very best to leave you happier and on your way to playing your best again.

MSR for Soccer Season Support!

Myospinal Release  offers soccer athletes  year round seasonal support so they can receive regular maintenance care  affordably. Beyond chiropractic and other therapies, MSR not only releases fascial restrictions that cause pain and limit flexibility, but more importantly, resets the nerve system for optimal function. Make MSR a regular part of your practice schedule and you will heal faster after a tough practice, feel less sore , recover faster from injury, and improve your game with enhanced performance.   Most MSR maintenance sessions take about 10-minutes and you can visit four times per month for just $79!

Joe Robaina LMT is an experienced  Certified Sports/Medical Massage Therapist and developer of Myospinal Release who is also the award winning Goalkeeper for 6 time champion “Bottles Up” in the FIFA sanctioned  AYSO Adult League.


About Dr. Joe Robaina

Joe Robaina LMT is an experienced  Certified Sports/Medical Massage Therapist and developer of Myospinal Release

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